PlusAfri.com is an ads classified platform, she takes no responsibility of any default as both service providers and service users are enjoyed to negotiate professionally before mutual agreement is done. Where the amount involved is more than N100,000, it's advisable that counsel of legal personnel should be consulted to witness the contractual agreement. PlusAfri.com will not be responsible for any default caused by any of the parties.

The following precautions and checks should be consciously observed by both parties.

  1. Do not meet clients in an unknown destination: Reasons why it's advisable you respond to calls within your local government which you have understood its terrain very well.
  2. Fill clients order form before leaving for the client's destination.
  3. Do not pay service providers until delivery of your products and services is done.
  4. Where possible, take one or more people along strategically located near meeting place So that alarms could be raised in case of any illegality or social vices.
  5. In case of going alone, always tell one or more people details of the potential service provider's contact and meeting place.
  6. Be careful of accepting offer far greater than the value of job done. This could be a trap.
  7. Where possible, notify nearby security outfit like Nigeria Police Force (NPF) of your meeting place before entering potential service user's home or office.
  8. Always notify your private or company lawyer or insurance company before accepting an offer from potential service user.
  9. Where applicable, let third party put calls through potential service users before your meeting and calls back immediately when arriving the destination.
  10. Where applicable, go with your monitoring gadgets, recording or visualizing your conversation in your destination.
  11. Always follow your heart, disclose your movement with close relatives and pray fervently before accepting an offer or meeting with potential service users.