Digital Classified Ads Platform (D-CAP)

Digital Classified Ads Platform (D-CAP) helps you advertise your products and services online with little cost. You have access to digital banking system with usage of wallet to hire your choice Professionals, Artisans and Traders (PAT) and pay them using your referral bonuses or commissions. This eliminates the traditional system of using your hard earned money to enjoy the services of PAT.

There are two methods of campaigns
  1. Free Campaign: This gives you access to online bank and wallet transactions.
  2. Paid Campaign: This gives you access to online bank, walletransactions, products adverts, referral bonus, job contract, multilevel income, fund transfer, digital skills, PlusMoney fund, free blog, free website, etc.

There are three types of paid campaigns.

  1. Starter – N2,500
  2. Premium – N10,000
  3. Pro – N25,000
Click here to register.